Product Information
  PartNumber :22680.033B  
  Product Image  
  Description :32/36 DGEV Electric Choke  
  Application :  
  Notes :New Electric Choke Weber Carburetor (Made in Spain)  
  Price $269.50  
( Price Each unless noted )
  Product Information  
  Item Status : Ships within 24 hours  
  Weight :5.0000 lbs  
  Details :  
  Product Specifications  
  Application :  
  Size :  
  Product Details  
  Description :32/36 DGEV Electric Choke  
  Notes :New Electric Choke Weber Carburetor (Made in Spain)  
  Item Number :  
  Ref: 427.0.22680.033B  
Product Detail Image
Product Detail Image
  Cat :32/36 DGEV Electric Choke New Carb DGV | Weber  


Base Gasket 32/36 DGV DFV 99005.068


By Carb 1-800-994-CARB (2272)
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